niedziela, 20 października 2013

My place

My place my live is... at moment other. First im live in Słoneczna, second live in Sikorskiego, third in Dolinki. Diffrent. Sometimes like place im live, why? Answers is simple. Sikorskiego home i have much friends. Now i live in Dolinki and i don't know anyone. It's nothing. I have skype, yahoo and facebook. I would like to live in Sikorskiego. Because lives there six maybe seven year.
Thanks you for reading.
Sorry for my mistakes. Cya!

1 komentarz:

  1. if you want your english to get better, my advice is to join some international site:) there are many of them where you can talk to people (kinda language exchange) and that is, learning faster.
    i know you want to wirte in english but it's still not really good.
    good luck^^
